It's not very often for me to be at the downtown area on a weekend morning.
So given that rare opportunity I decided to head down to RHB Bank's Jalan Besar Branch for a corporate engagement of national striker Aleksandar Duric moments ago (having read about it on the papers days ago).

These boys were having a good time with Duric.
Taking a break and having a chat with the bank officials
"Hmm... a banking career reckon after hanging up my boots?"

It's a good way to be engaged in such corporate event, why not?
It's a win-win situation in a sense that player(s) can get to meet up and close with the fans and the unaware public at places like these, while the corporate entity would see this as an opportunity to publicize their product using alternative means like this (other than print advertisements and TV commercials ads).
In the end, it's all about maximize the mileage.. Isn't it?
(P.S: Strictly personal opinion reflected on this entry without any form of interfering from whosoever.)
It's a win-win situation in a sense that player(s) can get to meet up and close with the fans and the unaware public at places like these, while the corporate entity would see this as an opportunity to publicize their product using alternative means like this (other than print advertisements and TV commercials ads).
In the end, it's all about maximize the mileage.. Isn't it?
(P.S: Strictly personal opinion reflected on this entry without any form of interfering from whosoever.)
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