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you can't afford to "tak ada apa" for long, Geylang!!! (edited)

Lining up before the start...

Just back from the Choa Chu Kang Stadium after witnessed the 2-0 victory by the defending champions SAFFC over Geylang United.

Now, straight to the point.

In their pre-season seminar, Patrick Ang, the Geylang chairman proclaimed it's "time to get back to the elite group".

As usual, before the start of every game.

Having seen their performance against the supposedly-fatigued Warriors, who been playing a game every three days since the start of the season, I can't help but wonder if Geylang are moving into the groove in bid to achieve their target?

The lack of creativity in their attacking plays and the unforgiven errors by the defence in conceded the two goals are telling signs that they can't afford to repeat those mentioned blunders again, if they want to return to the "elite".

Conceded two goals in a space of two minutes.

Yes, it may be only two game-old into the new season, however the Eagles should well aware that they should not leave everything to the last minute (liked what happened in the past)!!

Or perhaps, the Eagles supporters should changed their cheers from "tak ada apa" (nevermind), whenever they are losing or lag behind, to something more inspiring to spur their team on.

If not, it might be the same old story year in and out again...

(P.S: the photos were taken by "Cloud" of and many thanks to her for allowing me to use them here.)


  1. Just another year for the Eagles while they wait for other teams to weaken...

  2. Hi "Anonymous"..

    Personally, I felt if you said that you want to return to "elite", such a sloppy display should never occurred and as early at this stage where foundation laying is very important.

  3. I doubt they'll go far.

    Anyway, in your photo of the clock, it shows that it's not even half an hour. So your label is a bit salah.

  4. Hi "Anonymous" (who commented on "1 March 2009 08:59"),

    err, it's already 33minutes and seven seconds when the photo shot took place.

    Anyway, I used "barely AN hour" is to save some faces for the Eagles, rather than emphasized on "they already conceded TWO goals in a space of TWO minutes when the game was just into less than half an hour of play"

    Opinions vary...

  5. Like what Holland were in the past, if things don't get right nothing's going to about mouths, words & squibbles


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