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"Red Card Football Clinic with Robbie Fowler and Fandi Ahmad"

Registration counter of the clinic

I was told of this clinic, being one of fringe activities of the visiting North Queensland Fury, by the media liaison officers.

It is certainly a nice thing to see two footballing legends - Robbie Fowler and Fandi Ahmad came together and imparted some of their knowledges to these kids who were obviously having a good time despite the scorching heat at Hougang Stadium.

Like earlier mentioned by the newest A-League franchise, hopefully event like this open up the doors to more footballing exchanges between these two countries in the near future.

Fandi Ahmad shared his tips with the kids

Fury's coach Ian Ferguson passed out his instructions before a drill.

The main men (L-R): Robbie Fowler, coach Ferguson, match organizer R Sasikumar and Fandi

"You have anything to ask Robbie?" as coach Ferguson asked the kids

These kids are showing some great potential.

"Well Done, lad.." said Robbie

Some tussling going on...

Both coach Ferguson and Robbie talent-spotting.

This one for the album.

Almost every kid had an opportunity for this "up close and personal" moment like this

Robbie signed on jerseys, scarves and whatever associated with him and Liverpool FC

Robbie being interviewed by the media

I would kicked myself if I didn't have this taken (Thanks Vik..)

Many thanks and appreciations to Mr Jonathan Leow and Ms Fadilah Amir Hamzah of SPRG Pte Ltd for making this blog entry possible.


  1. Robbie Fowler in our lowly Hougang Stadium, i just can't believe my eyes!

  2. err "Kennerve"..

    "lowly" what do you mean by that? anyway, how nice wasn't it to have him and Fandi graced Hougang on a quiet Saturday morning?

    With Regards...


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