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Short scribe on Home U's misadventure in Hong Kong (edited)

Got a call from my friend, Bryan Lim who saw the match where Home United were trounced 4-0 by Hong Kong powerhouses - South China AA in the AFC Cup knock-out stage.

Here are some of the extracts from his posting filed from Hong Kong...

"I just came back from the game played @ the HK Stadium.A passionate & capacity crowd of about 8K watched the humiliating defeat. Here's the starting lineup (3-5-2): Lionel-Rosman,Mani & Hiek-Dickson,Shadan,Syed Fadhill & Perez-Lodovick & Azhar. Sivaji(as usual left an orthodox leftback,Jumaat on the bench), keeping faith with the oft crticized rotation system.

The pitch was slippery after showers in the afternoon and an hour before the game. Weather was humid."

"The SC supporters sitting in front of me asked if I was from Singapore. We had a chat & they admitted that HU was a good team but lacked a finisher. Frankly,HU's porous defence made 2 fatal errors which made SC looked gd. they were very impressed with Dickson. By the way, you may have also realised that Jiayi is missing. Has he been transferred to Tampines already???"

"So what excuse is Sivaji going to use this time? Too much rest???"

For more detailed report by Bryan, please log on to this link.

And thanks Bryan for the time, effort and most importantly - the passion (your effort had made some mainstreamers hide behind the curtains...hahaha)

Well Done...

Managed to source this youtube clip on the Home United's defeat to South China (in Cantonese though)...

and see for yourself how skipper Mani's heroics towards the end denied South China from scoring a few more!!


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