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Product Review: "Adidas Samba Millenium" indoor soccer shoes.

(P.S: Got an email from SoccerPro who asked if I keen to do another review of a product from their stock list.

Which I obliged and here's another piece of product review of the blog - "Adidas Samba Millenium" indoor soccer shoes.

Opinions expressed below are sole personal from the blogger himself , without any form of interference from whosoever entity or individual.)

"Never take it for granted." I said to myself after I decided to take up this reviewing offer.

In my last review for the "Nike First Touch II FS - Varsity Royal" boots I did last year, I took it for granted by using my conventional shoes size to determine the size of the reviewed product, thus the tight-fitting of the shoes caused some uncomfortableness whenever I wore them.

This is the first pair of Adidas Soccer Shoes I wearing.

Which turned out to be good lesson learned, as I realized that one shall never gauge the size of the soccer shoes using his or her conventional shoe size since factors like the cutting and materials vary from shoes to shoes.

Another piece of valuable advice I gathered from a shop assistant is "do ensure there's a space of a size of thumb between the tips of your toe and the shoes, with your heel all the way at the back of the shoe".

Although a reader offered another opinion by stating that the reason for having that "tight-fitting" feel is for better feel and ball control of the possession while playing.

Call me a traditionalist, but to be honest, I would prefer to have any kind of soccer shoes be black in colour, rather having them in those flashy luminous look, which is a common trend in the market nowadays.

Black colour, to me, is ALWAYS the colour of the game...

Fortunately, most of peers' feedback agree with me on that issue, so it's not wrong to say having them black is still THE colour.

The US size "9" I opted for fitted in nicely with extra "thumb" space to ensure that bit of comfort when wearing it, although, that initial "tight-fitting" on the both side of the foot is something unavoidable in any type of footwear.

Click the picture for bigger image.

A colleague suggested that given its kind of urban feel, this footwear goes well with various type of apparels and suitable for other activities, not just solely for playing soccer (as illustrated in the collage above).

The initial plan was to combine the "urban feel" shot with the "try out" shot, but the lack of the main prop - the BALL, had we got it postponed the session a few days later.

So back to the same ol' place where we had a second go for the photo-cum-video shooting of the review.

Just step on the ball to have a feel of it...

Next, moving the ball around with the foot.

Juggling is being part of the game as well.

Next, on the foot as well.

The ball back onto the ground again for some instep controlling on the ball.

"Stepping" and moving of the ball.

Some "heel" controlling of the ball.

Before turn and shoot - GOAL!


Well, my groin wasn't okay on the day we did the film due to an injury incurred on the day before.

Despite the fact that there are other brands in the market producing soccer-related products, the "three stripes" is still the ONLY brand common folks would related it to the game.

I'm not sure if others would share the same opinion, but the "extra thumb" spacing between the tip of the toe and shoe, to me, is essential to provide the extra comfort when wearing them.

As I read before that the size of the foot tends to expand while exercise, so that little extra spacing is crucial to reduce aching due to size constraining, so do take note of that.

Many thanks to the wonderful guys of "" for making this try-out possible (Thanks for the trust, guys), Mr Mohamed Zainudeen for providing the BALL and Viknesh for his technical help throughout the shooting.

To find out more and interested in making online purchasing of "Adidas Samba Millenium", please click the link HERE


  1. Any idea where to buy a Mikasa match ball?

  2. Well, "Adi"...

    How sad that I would rather having you ask "where to get this pair of shoes".. :(

    As for the ball.. I'll revert to you privately :P

  3. Wow, you can consider a career in acting for commercials!

    Just got to avoid giving that terrorist face too often. You might scare the kids!

  4. Hi "Anonymous"..

    Thanks for your suggestion.. I thought I looked more like "Mr Bean" for that instance :P

  5. U can play football or something like that :P

  6. Any outlet in singapore selling those shoes

  7. Hi "happy",

    I must admit I seldom play the game nowadays, but the urge to juggle a ball is always there..

    Hi "Anonymous"(posted on 17/9),

    Unfortunately, I have no answer for there, but you may want to try get online via the link listed.

  8. Hey pal, good take man... lol... plus the red colour t-shirt, roar lion roar... goal 2010????

  9. Hi "ahliang",

    Thanks but my groin was not in good condition for the kicking part, see how weird I run?? hahaha

  10. So Pohui, where did u buy the adidas samba shoes? and how much did it cost u? Pls tell me cuz I want a pair badly!!!
    p.s(i live in sg)

  11. Hi "Anonymous" (posted on 15th Nov),

    I got the shoes after I did a review on them, you may wish to buy them online if you can't find it places around the island, thanks

    With Regards

  12. okok... thx pohui... so u bought them online too?

  13. and can u tell me how much u bought them?

  14. Of course Adidas shoes are comfortable for any kind of sport.They are too good and make the sports person to feel comfortable.
    Thank You.

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  18. The benefit of such cleat boots could it be can help the midfielder to shoot powerful shots from distance. In case you are playing while in the defending placement then it's definite that you just would need an excellent grip at your ft. In that circumstance, you must seem for the cleat shoe that provides outstanding grip, fantastic ball experience, outstanding kick velocity and ball managing nature.


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